Clay Modeling as a Hobby
Everyone should have a hobby. They offer a constructive way of spending time after the day’s work is over. If you don’t have a hobby yet, you may be losing out on a lot. Hobbies should be something you have fun doing during your free time and at the same time should not exhaust you.
Clay modeling is a great hobby. It doesn’t matter if you have never tried it before or were never particularly good in your school art class. It is something you can do after returning from your office and finishing your chores. Clay modeling can be very relaxing and the best thing about it is that you can show off your models to friends when they drop by! How is that for your ego?!
Though clay modeling is inexpensive it does require a lot of patience and practice to be perfect. If you want to start, you need to assemble a few things you are sure to find in your own house or at the nearest supermarket. Here are the things you will need:
1) Clay (different varieties available, for e.g. polymer and ceramic)
2) A bucket
3) A mug
4) Needles
5) Forks
6) A thin wire
7) A wooden spatula
8) A good knife
9) Water color
10) Paint brushes
There are different ways you can model clay. You can make clay models with delicate features which is a bit difficult if you are just starting out. These kinds of models are supported by wires. You can also make a small stuffed solid clay model which is the easiest to make. A hollow model is one in which the inside is hollow and there is usually an opening at the bottom. Other than these, there are other different types of clay modeling which you will learn as you proceed.
Don’t get disappointed if your first attempt ends up looking like an indistinguishable lump of clay. Be patient and you will definitely get better with time. It takes a lot of hard work but when you master clay modeling you will find it to be more relaxing than anything. There’s something great in looking at clay taking shape in your own hands and transforming into a colorful work of art. So go ahead and take up clay modeling as your hobby. Rest assured, you will love it.
By Priyanka, Author can be contacted at