Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All you need to know about Bronchitis

All you need to know about Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a pulmonary disease which occurs when the air passages inside the lungs suffer from inflammation due to a tracheal infection. The membrane lining the interior of the air ways get swollen and the cells in it start seeping out fluid. The immediate symptom is quite obviously severe coughing.

Often the prevalence of bronchitis is observed during the cold season. Generally it is associated with a respiratory infection. The Flu viruses are held responsible for this disease. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the bacteria causing bronchitis. If you have inhaled certain harmful chemical particles through dusts and smoke, it can lead towards severe bronchitis. Smokers and aged people are prone to bronchitis.

Dry cough or cough with phlegm is the first and commonest symptom of bronchitis. The continuous cough attacks can sustain for at least two weeks and gradually the patient develops pain in his abdomen and chest. This can be as serious as breaking the chest if proper curative measures are not taken immediately. Fever, wheezing, sore throat, nasal congestion and paining muscles are other symptoms of bronchitis.

Seeking treatment
Often bronchitis patients recover naturally with general medication. Cough syrups can make the coughing situations manageable. The doctor can prescribe an inhaler to treat wheezing and clear off the congestion in the nasal ways. If the patient has temperature for a long time or coughing blood then it is evident that the bronchitis has become severe and can turn out to be pneumonia. In this case he should be hospitalized immediately.

Tests for bronchitis
Generally doctors diagnose bronchitis by the common symptoms observed in the patient. There is no blood test involved here. But if the condition is serious you might need to get a chest x-ray done. The other two tests performed occasionally are phlegm culture or Oxygen saturation test.

Home remedies for bronchitis

There are numerous home remedies available to treat bronchitis naturally. A mixture of black pepper, honey, ginger paste and clove powder make a great medicine for the bronchitis patients. You can also give honey with spinach juice to the bronchitis patients. Onion juice, orange juice, turmeric, ginger etc are other effective herbs that can cure severe bronchitis without any side effects.

Prevention of bronchitis
Quitting the habit of smoking will definitely prevent bronchitis. Passive smoking is equally injurious and you are advised to stay away from a smoker if you really wish to keep away bronchitis. You should be careful about the exposure to dust particles, smoke and other irritants. Air pollution is another crucial reason behind the prevalence of bronchitis.

2. Know how to get rid of wrinkles with facial exercises

Who won’t love to get rid of those ugly wrinkles on the face making you look elder than your age? Most of us have a tendency to ignore the facial muscles while toning up the body to a desired shape. If you really wish to find out , you must understand the general benefits and procedures of these exercises. Facial exercises effectively protect the targeted muscles from sagging. Your soft and supple facial skin can gradually become loose and slacked over a period of time if you are not allocating any exercise for the muscles underneath. There are different exercises for eyes, forehead and double chin. You can do the simple facial exercises whenever you get time at work or while resting on the bed. Identify the sensitive pressure points around the eyes and on forehead to press them tolerably with your fingers which is a great facial exercise indeed. Soon you will watch those unwanted wrinkles disappear from your face and you will stops aging; as far as looks are concerned.

By Prama goswami
Author can be contacted at : prama.goswami@gmail.com