Monday, February 22, 2010

PREGNENCY WEEK 26- this pain is very interesting

PREGNENCY WEEK 26- this pain is very interesting

It is ironical, yet trues for all, that trespasses the regional, cultural and geographical boundaries, “Children all over the world are not same, but the parents throughout are same”. A child may not be concerned with his parents but the parents concerns are attached to him even before the child is born that stretches to heir last moments of life.

It is no more hidden that both mother and father has to take care of child when he is in mother’s womb. There are many pains and uncomforts that a mother has to bear; still, the pain seems to be very interesting. However, the most crucial period for both, mother and child is the pregnancy period that demands gallons of care and countless precautions.

Growth of baby till week 26
In sonography, you can easily identify the veins of the baby peeping put from the skin, though they get quickly transformed from transparent to opaque. Moreover, your baby can hear you and those around you. It may be unbelievable as we assume that the uterus is a quiet place, however, it can be proved as you may feel the jump of the baby at loud and sudden voices. Things like your heartbeat, digestion, and other body functions are heard by the baby as well as external noises. Moreover, some light that passes through Uterus allows baby to feel the darkness and light. S/he weighs 1 pound 12 ounces (794 grams) and measures 32.5 cms or 12.8 inches total length on an average.
Body Development of Mother till Week 26
By this week, the uterus is expected to be around 2.5inches above the navel level and continue to grow at a pace of 1 centimeter every week of your pregnancy. Many women also put on between 15 and 25 pounds by this time, though the weigh gain depends largely on fluid retention. The comfortable level starts decreasing from this week as you go further with pregnancy time. Enlisted are few of the symptoms that may be experienced:
• Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
• Frequent Urination
• Constipation
• Indigestion or heartburn
• Occasional headaches
• Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)
• Itching
• Round ligament pains
• Hemorrhoids

• Do not mislead yourself by comparing other expectant moms. The way you carry depends less on the size of the fetus and more on her shape, structure, and position. Overall muscle tone also matters; if you have tight muscles, your belly may not pop out as soon or as much as it would with looser muscles.
• Grab on to nutritious food especially iron-rich stuff. Don’t forget that your child relies on your body and iron-rich food like spinach gets strength for his body.
• Never forget the vitamins recommended by your doctor as they are important ingredient for your child’s growth.
• Make sure you have a fixed routine for exercise at it not only keeps you active but also gets the child some momentum.

By Nidhi Bansal
The Author can be contacted at