Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Teeth Whitening at home

By AkanskhaWhy doesn’t any one love to have dazzling white teeth which are important for a complete smile? But in this busy world no one wants to run around dental clinics and spend their hard-earned money on cosmetic procedures for whitening their teeth’s. They are seriously time consuming and expensive. From this comes the taught of finding ways for home procedures and remedies that are more convenient, time saving and effective.
Many dental products manufacturing companies are now competing to produce whitening kits that can be used at home with ease. The manufactures have come up with varieties of brush on whitening kits, strips that you can stick on your teeth, mouth washes and many tooth trays with bleaching agents. Some of them have advanced and produced kits with light technologies. They use laser teeth whitening procedures with formulated gel designed to use at home. Though all these are effective for a period of time they are still expensive and a burden on our pockets.
For all the people out there who are looking for less expensive and convenient methods home remedies are the best solution. They are as simple as just having an apple after your meal! Read on for some simple tips like this.
First thing you need do is to brush your teeth with proper technique which is firm and not forcible. Using baking soda, charcoal ashes, bark of walnut tree combined with your tooth paste are some of the easiest ways. Rinse thoroughly with water after applying these procedures on your teeth. Having apple, celery, carrots, and strawberries after your meal will help you remove stubborn stain on the teeth. Rubbing your teeth with the white part of the orange peel is also one of the simple home techniques. Don’t forget to drink water after having coffee and blue berries. Make your own whitening tooth paste with a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt and a small amount of your tooth paste. This works really very good.
Never use finger nails to remove the stain on the tooth. They may worse the problem. Using of vitamin c or lemon may cause you to lose the calcium on your teeth, which weakens the tooth and makes them more sensitive. Having lot of tea, coffee, red wine carbonated drinks smoking and also too hot and too cold drinks are some reasons responsible for the stains on the teeth. All remedies do not show immediate results but have constant effect on the preventing the problem.
So start with any of the teeth whitening procedures from the above and have that movie-star smile on your face! And for all the food freaks, who love grazing all day do not have to stop for a staining reason.

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Related Resources:
Dental website