Friday, October 5, 2012

Garden Furniture, Kitchen Garden and Bathrooms

It is observed that when it comes to home decor people tend to most concentrate on living room and bed rooms. A lot is spent in making them look beautiful. People believe that the best way to show case their sophisticated .this is because the sitting area is primarily the living room. Very few people tend to go across the living room and explore different aspect of a house. People do not mind spending zillion of money on Oak furniture For their living room but when it comes to furnishing the garden with teak garden furniture, they would think a million times. Very few would actually realize that there are other compartments in a house which also form a vital part of the house. Broadly speaking bathrooms, kitchen and the outdoor area form the soul of the house. And unfortunately gardens mostly ignored. They don’t realize by making little changes in kitchen, bathroom can add so much life into these areas. For example by installing a stainless steel kitchen sinks  in the kitchen adds so much of convenience.
It is realized in true sense that garden area is one of the most difficult to maintain. Because it require regular maintenance Plants and grass if not taken care of properly, seems more of a liability than an asset. Due to busy lifestyles of people especially in cities there is not enough time to spend in redecorating the gardens. People like to laze around indoors and relax in their bedrooms rather than sit in the sun outside and adore the natural beauty.

People now a day’s do not realize that by sitting in the natural environment not only sooth your body but also provides with oxygen and fresh air which is so required for proper function of the system. But it is natural if the gardens and outdoors areas are kept neat and clean, it is obvious that people would be pulled by its beauty. Gardens can act as a perfect outdoor space for hosting small parties, or a area where one can relax in the open keeping all his tensions at bay. A small kitchen garden can also be created in which you can plant seasonal salads and vegetables. These not only provide you with daily kitchen essentials but also are fresher than the ones which are available in the supermarket. Trees take time to grow up, but once they are totally grown you can enjoy fresh fruits. If you have a large open space then you have an advantage of building up a sport area where you can play your most cherished sports like badminton, lawn tennis, basket ball. sports floors are most suitable for such sports activities. Another aspect can be of a small patio in which you can enjoy a bar –be- que with your friends on a sunny afternoon. Wooden flooring is most desirable for patio .Laying out wooden tiles or wood blocks are one of the best options. Floor sanding is done on these wooden blocks with the help of floor sanding abrasives. After making it smooth French polishing is applied on it for a natural shine.
There are many kind of Garden furniture is available in the market. One of the most known is the rattan garden furniture. The best thing about rattan garden furniture is that they have latest designs and a wide range of varieties. One of its best sellers is the rattan garden sun loungers. They are most sold among people who like to sit under the sun and enjoy reading or just relaxing. Another most sold product consists of the rattan garden cube sets. This consists of 4 chairs and 1 woven table. This is most suitable for coffee breaks and small meetings. rattan garden dining sets are also of great utility which can be placed in a conservatory for the purpose of dining or just enjoying a conversation with the family. If you are interested in buying one of these beautiful rattan garden furniture at affordable price than you must watch out  for rattan garden furniture sale. You can get hold of some of the most beautiful and exotic deals at the yearend sale.
Another most ignored area of the house is the bathroom. Bathrooms if taken care of can become the most stylish part of the house. It is true to accessories the bathroom, involves lot of expenditure. But there exist cheaper versions of the accessories as well. An excellent idea of economizing on space is that of a bathroom suites. In this kind of arrangement a bathroom is attached with the bedroom. If you want to redecorate your bathroom then there are certain things which needs to be kept in mind such as storage, lighting, proper ventilation, tubs and Showers and Radiators for keeping the bathroom dry and drying the towels. If these few basics are kept in mind then definitely renovating the bathrooms will not be a difficult task. Some not so expensive item consists of taps. By changing the tradition bathroom taps with some stylish taps can add a charm to the bathroom. Similarly Showers shower enclosures can be installed with wet room shower screens  instead of expensive bath tubs .These are much more cost effective and looks trendy.
Because of lack of proper storage in the Bathrooms, the toiletries seem to be cluttered and because of this problem we don’t realize that half of the toiletries get expired even before using them. Hence in order to keep the bathrooms more maintained one can consider on built in storage such as shower trays and wet room trays where small things like soap and shampoo can be placed and this helps in tracing the toiletries when needed. Another main concern is the towels. In cold and moist climates towels don’t dry up so quickly. Wet towels start to leave a foul smell which certainly is not welcoming. To avoid such situation installing towel rails is a wonderful option. Towel rail is a kind of Radiators which has built in heaters. These towel rails not only help in drying towel but to a certain extent also heat up the bathroom. Though heating is mostly done with the help of radiators which come in various forms such as the traditional radiators designer radiators oil tanks radiators. And when it comes to heating the water one can consider hot water heaters. Ariston water heater are a know brand for heating water. These offer a huge range of unvented hot water cylinders. These come in 4 models namely classic, primo, wall hung and high capacity. electric central heating boilers are used for providing central heating .They work on the principal of heating the radiators with hot water which eventually transmits hot waves and warms the room. Another traditional device used for heating is the electric water heater which comes in many forms like the geysers, emersion rods etc. If you don’t have space crunch problems in your bathroom then you can invest some money in buying some water resistant bathroom furniture.
These are few things which can add glam to your much ignored places of the house. By paying a little more attention these places can become the hot spots of your house.By Shuchi Bhatnagar, The author can be contacted at

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